King's Kauai

Pastors Scott and Monica attended the first services at King's Eleele in 1998 and have since become integral parts of the growing community on Kauai. Since then, Kauai has grown 3 other campuses : King's Lihue, King's Kapaa, and the Marshallese Ministry. Their passion is to see entire families growing in their relationship with the Lord.
“Our passion is to see others know God more, becoming true followers of Christ and to help others to experience transformation.” Their vision is to seek and save the lost while providing opportunities for others to express their God-given gifts in the church.

Minister Bryson Garma
Connect Ministery
Generations Ministries

Minister Lee Taidrik
Marshallese Minister

Minister Crystal Garma
Connect Ministry
Generations Ministry

Minister Wendi Tokuuke
Generations Ministry
Media Ministry

Minister Clifford Matsusaka
Connect Ministery

Bobie Orsatelli
Generations Ministry

Minister Cheri Matsusaka
Connect Ministery

Krysta Kali
King's Christian Schools of Hawaii